Letitia Carson PTA

Corvallis, Oregon

Welcome to Letitia Carson Elementary

The Letitia Carson PTA is focused on enriching the educational experiences of students and families. Your participation is the key to our success in helping every student at Letitia Carson Elementary School reach their full potential.

As a PTA member, you help to shape our priorities for Letitia Carson Elementary with your input and vote. We look forward to seeing you at PTA meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Art Room and via Zoom. Pizza and childcare are provided.

Thanks for your support! Go Wildcats!

Your Wildcat PTA Board

A colorful sign near the front entrance reading Letitia Carson Elementary, Go Wildcats!

Upcoming Events

Support the Letitia Carson PTA


Get Ready for the Wildcat Fun Run!

The PTA is so excited to bring back the Wildcat Fun Run on Wednesday, April 17th and Thursday, April 18th!  This year it’s happening outside; the students will be running laps on the new bark chips to raise money for our school.  Fun Run donation money is used to fund things like assemblies, the school garden, Teacher Mini Grants, library books, art and music supplies, classroom enrichment opportunities, & more. To make sure it all runs smoothly, we need your help!  We are looking for volunteers to help set up/take down, count laps, provide snacks, and collect donation packets.

If you are not yet registered to volunteer with the Corvallis School District, you can do that here: https://www.csd509j.net/students-parents/volunteer/volunteer-application/.  Thank you!

Volunteers Needed! We have many ways to volunteer at Letitia Carson Elementary School. Please check our listings regularly to find out how you can help.

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